One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Our Sunday morning bible class has been about decisions that we make; what goes into making them, how we come to the decisions we make, etc. Recently I had been convicted of making a decision that I knew would be hard and painful but necessary. Decisions are multi-faceted and sometimes the best decision is not the easiest. But God is faithful and convicts our hearts to follow Him. I have been very lacking in my faith and discipline and my decision is one to rid my life of things that are not helping or edifying. We are called to be Do-ers, to put our faith into action. Lately I have been claiming to have convictions and beliefs but have not been living up to them or acting them out. God's voice became very loud and clear and my heart had to respond in obedience. God knows my heart and what I need when I need it. I'm thankful for the words Steve shared this morning during worship from James 1:17-27.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I came to Connecticut for my good friend Andrea's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, Andrea was gorgeous and it was so much fun, lots of good conversation, good food and plenty of dancing. Coming back to here is always a little bittersweet; sweet to see everyone and catch up and also a little bitter because I know I will have to leave. But I do love where God has put me now and where He has brought me, to Cincinnati. I love being close to my family and in a place that's right for me. CT will always have a great deal of meaning and importance in my life.