One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My parents came for my birthday last weekend and we had a great time! They always spoil me and make me feel special :) I guess that's what parents are for. We did some shopping Friday night. We had lunch Saturday afternoon with my friends Daniel & Elina then we went to the movies. Mom and I went to Kohl's and then we went out for Mexican which was delicious. So yes, most of the weekend revolved around food. We went to church Sunday morning at Central. My dad was able to get someone to preach for him. Then we went to life group Sunday afternoon. I'm really thankful they were able to stay Sunday and meet my church family and my church family to meet mom & dad. It was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. I got cards from some far away friends and some beautiful earrings Brielle got me that my friend Erin made. Then Erin sent me a beautiful necklace she made. I got a sweet e-card from Audrey with my nephews pictures, it was precious!

              Flowers from Mom & Dad
                                     Flowers from Daniel and Elina

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Alzheimer's Disease & Random Thoughts

I went to visit my grandparents today that live in Frankfort, KY. Their health has been poor for a while now and the Alzheimer's is progressing in both. While it's a tragic disease, in their current state, I've had more enjoyable conversations and time with them than I ever did growing up. I didn't remember my Granny being one of those warm/cuddly type grandmothers. I remember being afraid of her mostly when I was young. Now, I find her crazy/perseverating rants much more endearing. Not to say that I would rather her have Alzheimer's and be the way she is now than to not have it and be her old self. But it's just interesting how this disease affects everyone so differently, and so differently day to day too. As an adult, I have a much greater appreciation for both sets of my grandparents. Well 2 grandmothers and 1 grandfather. I've gotten to spend  more time with each as more of an adult and have gotten some more quality one on one time with them, something I didn't get as a kid. I find that I want to know more about their families and history.

The random thoughts have nothing to do with Alzheimer's but rather my own random thoughts today.
I've had breakfast 3 times today. I will have breakfast 2 times tomorrow. So, in the past 2 days I will have had breakfast foods for 5/6 of my meals. Don't get me wrong, breakfast for dinner or "brinner" is one of my favorites. I was not expecting to have it so frequently in such a short amount of time. I also wonder when will I become diabetic due to the massive amounts of sugar I've been consuming lately. Sugar is my weakness.

2) Running
I'm happy with my 1/2 marathon training so far. My left shin hurts but I'm learning to run through it. I never thought that would happen. The runner's mentality is slowly working itself into my head.

3) Friends
I'm so glad my best friend here is back from her South American 5 week long trip. Just seeing Elina last week after she got back brightened my day and really refreshed me.

4) Struggles
This past week there's been a lot of heartache and struggles going on in the lives of people I'm close to, well the people that are close to the people I'm close to if that makes any sense. There's been a lot of hospitalizations, 2 deaths, and just other heart-breaking things going on. My parents' church is included in that list of struggles with those I just mentioned. And people my sister is close to as well. My week was long, but good. I hear about these burdens and just wonder what can I do? My first response is prayer, then cards. My mom has always been great about sending cards. It is (now especially) an undervalued and under-rated service. I'm thrilled when I get a piece in the mail that someone actually addressed and signed. It's nice to know people took the time and effort to pick out a card, write something, and go to the mailbox for you. It means a lot to me because I'm extremely lazy when it comes to taking things to the mailbox, even though I just have to drive right up the post office station and walk 10 feet to the box. Laziness at its finest.

5) Conclusion
This is the MOST unorganized and barely comprehensible thing I've written on here thus far. These are my ramblings. Enjoy and good nite :)