One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long time no blog

It's been a very very long time since I've written anything. There's a lot going on and then again it seems like it's same old same old. I find I am constantly distracting myself when I am home from work. Watching Netflix, packing (a necessary thing at this point) or just doing meaningless things. This is one of my constant battles: taking time for silence and meditation. I know the benefits of doing it and yet I continue to keep myself busy rather than taking even just 10 minutes to sit quietly and/or pray or spend some time in scripture. Why is it so hard? Am I afraid I won't like what I hear? Is there nothing meaningful I think or feel? What keeps me being "busy"?

I am looking forward to moving into the house but I've had a twinge of sadness leaving behind my first grown-up, on-my-own apartment. There are lots of things I won't miss like: ridiculously high rent, far commute, loud neighbors, speed bumps, mail center. Moving always brings bouts of adjustment and a new mindset. The furnace at the house has been out a lot lately and no one seems to know what's wrong. But we have a house, shelter, space heater and a pellet stove to keep us warmer than we otherwise would be on the street. So in these early months to years of buying and owning a home, I realize that it is a time of building character and endurance.

Quiet time is good, it is necessary. It is refreshing.