One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Saturday, November 13, 2010


My apartment was broken into this past Monday while I was at work. My neighbor's apartment was broken into about 3 weeks ago while Brielle was visiting. Same method of entry, similar items stolen, most likely the same person. I keep thinking if only I had put something in the sliding door this would not  have happened. The "what ifs" definitely don't help the situation. I feel naive in thinking that they wouldn't have dared to come back to the same place after having already broken into the same building. But that thinking was a pitfall, they knew how to get in and knew that I wasn't expecting them to return. Some important things were taken: my computer and my jewelry box were the biggest items. More for the security reasons with the computer with all my pictures and files. However they did not get my external hard drive which is some consolation. They also failed to get my favorite necklace which was laying next to the jewelry box. But what bothers me and keeps plaguing my mind is not the physical stuff that's gone but rather my peace of mind and security that is now gone. I'm at Brielle's this weekend visiting (using her computer) and I told her last night that I don't even want to be at my place anymore, it doesn't feel like my home. I don't know if that will ever change. I've had lots of offers to stay with people which I appreciate so much. But I can't stay away from my apartment forever. I've never had anything like this happen to me before and I don't know quite how to describe it. Fear, anxiety, unsettling, victimized...don't seem to quite fit.

I feel like Satan is like the thieves, we think we are in the clear, that nothing will happen and we let our guard down. We think, "I can't possibly be tempted with that" or "that will never happen to me" and we get careless and lazy.

But I am so thankful I was not at home, I have renter's insurance and I have a wonderful support system of people that have been so helpful and prayerful. My mom was able to stay with me this past week.

Now onto some good things this weekend with the Nashville Confers :)