One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Round 2

Denver, Audrey, Hudson and Dean got to mom and dad's this morning. They made it to church and were quite popular. We headed home and played a lot and ate lunch. The boys took a nap and we played some more then went to church again for evening service. We had lots of fun with the boys today. Their personalities are starting to come out and they are hilarious!

 Time for presents
 Audrey and Hudson
Aunt Brielle and Dean

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Traditions

I made it out of work early yesterday (Christmas Eve) to head to Indiana to spend the weekend with my family. Brielle's been home since Tuesday. Since Denver and Audrey are coming Sunday we had some new traditions we established last night. Christmas Eve we always have cheese fondue followed by chocolate fondue after we watch our favorite Christmas movies/shows like It's a Wonderful Life, Mickey's Christmas Carol, and Claymation Christmas. Last night, Brielle made a delicious Yule Log that was light and fluffy. I think we should have it every year from now on. We had some mulled cider and drinks. We opened some gifts from members of church where my parents attend. We laughed so hard at dinner that we cried. I finished the evening by falling asleep on the couch watching It's a Wonderful Life. Mom gently awoke me suggesting I go to bed.
Brielle was the first to wake up this morning at 5 but then she went back to sleep. I was the first one downstairs and put on a movie. Brielle came down next and finished up the baked french toast casserole that was in the fridge. I cooked the sausage patties and we ate our delicious breakfast and then opened presents. I got some much needed kitchen items and gadgets. We then followed up by playing Wii. I'm not sure what else today holds but whatever it is, it's always good to be home :) God bless and Merry Christmas!!! And now we wait for Denver, Audrey and the boys to get here!
                                                      Brielle and her delicious masterpiece
                                             Brielle's German plates: so pretty!
                                           Some fun little glasses Mom bought

Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Relient K - I Celebrate The Day

Growing up in a fairly "conservative" Church of Christ family, we never celebrated or talked about Jesus' birth around Christmas. In fact, I feel like we went to the extreme. We all know Jesus wasn't born on December 25th but that it was started to counteract a pagan holiday. I however, love this song any time of year. I never used to like "Christmas" songs that revolved around Jesus; I used to think, "We all know he wasn't born on Dec. 25th" But now I think that if it gets people thinking and singing about Jesus, then I'm all for it. And now, I think that I cherish those Christmas songs even more, it doesn't matter when I sing it, Christ was born, the King of Israel. So celebrate Jesus' birth, resurrection and burial each day.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Obedience and Love

Obedience: compliance with someone's wishes or orders or acknowledgement of their authority. Today's sermon was on obedience. My scripture reading this morning from Philippians 2 also mentioned obedience. Our culture is bred on the belief and teaching of independence and doing things our own way, however we want. To some extent we have been blessed by those ideas, free to create, to think, to grow, to learn. But it is also to our detriment at times, when it causes us to go against God's will and desire for our lives. We all know the general will for God for us: to love and serve Him and one another. There are things along our journey that challenge those commands.

Lately, I've been doing a really poor job of reading and studying the Word. Is it really considered poor if it's actually non existent? The last time I studied and took notes was November 23. Some decisions in my life and my overall attitude has reflected my lack of time studying and seeking God. I know he is there, pursuing me and I have been pretty complacent to not respond. I nod and say, "I know you're there" but I don't extend or push myself beyond that.

Obedience and love go hand in hand when it comes to service and commitment to Christ. It's because of his extravagant love for me that I draws me to Him and to obedience, submitting what I want or think that I may want in exchange for what God wants. God's plans and what He wants for us are so much bigger than anything we could plan for ourselves. I don't know why I forget that so often. Of course He knows what I need, He created me. Who else would know more than Him? I sometimes think that individual is me and so I leave the path in search of my own way and mechanism of action, forgetting that the creator of the universe has something far better for me if I would submit to Him.

My study bible had a comment of Philippians 2:12-13 which reads: "

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in  you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

The comment was this: To be like Christ, we must train ourselves to think like Christ. To change our desires to be more like Christ's, we need the power of the indwelling Spirit, the influence of faithful Christians, obedience to God's word (not just exposure to it) and sacrificial service.

It's not enough to just read the word or memorize it. It's about doing it, acting on it. We are called to be a people of action and of love and they go hand-in-hand. God helps us want to obey Him and gives us the ability to do it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


My apartment was broken into this past Monday while I was at work. My neighbor's apartment was broken into about 3 weeks ago while Brielle was visiting. Same method of entry, similar items stolen, most likely the same person. I keep thinking if only I had put something in the sliding door this would not  have happened. The "what ifs" definitely don't help the situation. I feel naive in thinking that they wouldn't have dared to come back to the same place after having already broken into the same building. But that thinking was a pitfall, they knew how to get in and knew that I wasn't expecting them to return. Some important things were taken: my computer and my jewelry box were the biggest items. More for the security reasons with the computer with all my pictures and files. However they did not get my external hard drive which is some consolation. They also failed to get my favorite necklace which was laying next to the jewelry box. But what bothers me and keeps plaguing my mind is not the physical stuff that's gone but rather my peace of mind and security that is now gone. I'm at Brielle's this weekend visiting (using her computer) and I told her last night that I don't even want to be at my place anymore, it doesn't feel like my home. I don't know if that will ever change. I've had lots of offers to stay with people which I appreciate so much. But I can't stay away from my apartment forever. I've never had anything like this happen to me before and I don't know quite how to describe it. Fear, anxiety, unsettling, victimized...don't seem to quite fit.

I feel like Satan is like the thieves, we think we are in the clear, that nothing will happen and we let our guard down. We think, "I can't possibly be tempted with that" or "that will never happen to me" and we get careless and lazy.

But I am so thankful I was not at home, I have renter's insurance and I have a wonderful support system of people that have been so helpful and prayerful. My mom was able to stay with me this past week.

Now onto some good things this weekend with the Nashville Confers :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

All That Matters

I've been reading/studying Ephesians for a few weeks. A recurrent theme is the putting away of old self and putting on the new self that comes as a result of Christ's love and sacrifice. Each day I can choose to die to self and to live for Christ. I have to make a conscious decision to choose Him, everyday. At the end of the day and during the day, all that matters is Christ. There is nothing else that comes close to Him and his miraculous and sacrificial love that consumes us. I get caught up in the little daily routine things of life instead of asking myself, What does God want for me today? How am I going to glorify Him? Freak accidents happen, unexplainable suffering occurs but one thing that remains is God and His love. Does it matter if I'm dating or single, working, alone, healthy, suffering, doubtful? All that matters is Christ. Knowing Him, really truly knowing Him and seeking Him daily is really what life is about.

"Imitate God therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children." Ephesians 5:1

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Great Friends

With having moved around some, I find myself with an accumulation of really good friends. I went to a concert Friday with one of my best friends, Elina. We were talking about our closest circle of friends, our "best friends." It got me to thinking about who are those people closest and dearest to me. I know how much I have relied on my friends throughout the years, particularly during college and even more so now as a full-fledged adult. My Christian friends are an extension of Christ's love. I was thinking tonight on my drive home from Kyle and Melissa's about all the people's homes I've been in over the years, all the meals, conversations, laughter and tears that have been shared and I couldn't be more grateful. I want my home to be that for anyone, anyone who needs a listening ear, a warm meal or just a place to rest. I'm so thankful for all the relationships God has blessed me with.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ephesians 4:21-24

 Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

Words written by Paul that speak so true. Key reminders to each day, I am not who I was. Christ has brought the change and I don't have to be who I have been. I am made new each day. Thank you, Lord. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010


This song has been on my heart and in my head today:
You can listen at: Beautiful by Bethany Dillon

I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
I count on the make-up to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong
But it's killing me

Does someone hear my cry?
I'm dying for new life

I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful

Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory


You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful

Friday, October 8, 2010

Confidence in Christ

I decided to stay at my current job. I'm praying that when the time is right, the opportunity will come up again to do what I am completely passionate about. I've taken the "responsible" road and am confident in my decision despite the disappointment I feel. Jobs will come and go, but one thing remains constant: Christ. No matter where I may be working or living, or the people in my life, Christ remains the same. His love is constant despite my imperfections and decisions that I make. I pray to honor God with my decisions and He is there even when I don't always follow through. Christ's love is something I will  never completely and full understand and often feel like I don't deserve it. But I am thankful for it nonetheless. Even when I am disappointed about walking away from something that would have been great, I know that Christ is really all that matters. My most cherished and valued friendships are a direct result of Christ. I know God is in the grand scheme of things, but the friendships that have continued after several moves and many miles apart are sustained because of one common factor: Christ. I have a few friendships where Christ isn't the common factor that I still value. But when it comes to my relationship with Christ, it's hard to fully explore and understand that avenue. Hope and confidence in Christ make a difference.

So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. Hebrews 6:8

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Money is something we all need to make it through this world because of the way our society operates. As a recent working adult I've had to learn how to budget my finances and understand some of the struggle behind doing what is necessary and what I want. We don't like talking about money. I don't know what I expected things to be like once I started working and all my school loans came in. I have an amazing opportunity to have a job that I love and that is pretty much exactly what I want for my career. There's one drawback: money; paying back my current employer for the bonus I received if I leave before next October. It's an awful situation, the stress is continually building and I need to decide: do what I love and be even more financially strapped or stay where I am, doing "OK" every day and maintaining my meager lifestyle. Part of me believes there is a reason for all of this; if I leave, I will be exercising my faith that God is going to continue to provide and my finances really aren't "my finances" They are His. Or if I end up staying I will view myself as making the "responsible decision" and toughing it out. I sometimes have this mentality that I need to do things that are hard or challenging just to prove I can do it, it's very selfish and conceited. I feel like I have to prove myself to myself. I don't know where this idea comes from. So here I am, contemplating back and forth. Then I realize that that is no way to decide. So I pray and ask God where he wants me and what He wants for me. I do not want my decision to be guided by money or "sucking it up" at my current job. But where does God want me to be?

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Our Sunday morning bible class has been about decisions that we make; what goes into making them, how we come to the decisions we make, etc. Recently I had been convicted of making a decision that I knew would be hard and painful but necessary. Decisions are multi-faceted and sometimes the best decision is not the easiest. But God is faithful and convicts our hearts to follow Him. I have been very lacking in my faith and discipline and my decision is one to rid my life of things that are not helping or edifying. We are called to be Do-ers, to put our faith into action. Lately I have been claiming to have convictions and beliefs but have not been living up to them or acting them out. God's voice became very loud and clear and my heart had to respond in obedience. God knows my heart and what I need when I need it. I'm thankful for the words Steve shared this morning during worship from James 1:17-27.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I came to Connecticut for my good friend Andrea's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, Andrea was gorgeous and it was so much fun, lots of good conversation, good food and plenty of dancing. Coming back to here is always a little bittersweet; sweet to see everyone and catch up and also a little bitter because I know I will have to leave. But I do love where God has put me now and where He has brought me, to Cincinnati. I love being close to my family and in a place that's right for me. CT will always have a great deal of meaning and importance in my life.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nashville Visit

I headed south after work on Friday to go visit Brielle, Denver & Audrey, and Hudson and Dean. We had a great day today of lots of fun, playing, feeding, and walking. Brielle and I had a great night last night with The Dog, Pangaea, and Sweet CeCe's frozen yogurt. She's a great hostess, she even made us muffins this morning. We got to sit out on her porch for breakfast. Audrey took care of us for the day with some good eats, among my favorites was the mango lassi. What a great weekend with the Nashville-dwelling Confers!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Family Visit

This past weekend my cousin Carri, her 2 girls Hannah and Rachel, and my Aunt Darlene came to visit on Saturday. We only spent 6 hours at the mall...It was really great to see them. I hadn't seen Carri since Denver's wedding. My mom also came down and surprised my Aunt and Carri. We all in all had a great day with lots of laughter and good food. Thanks for coming!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wii at the Confer House

I came to my parents house on Friday for the weekend. My mom had told me earlier this week that she had a surprise for me, but I couldn't take it home with me. Hmm...So last night she brings out a Wii. So I helped them set it up and we all played and it was endless entertainment. I really wanted to put up a video of mom wakeboarding, but I think she wouldn't like me very much, but here's dad wakeboarding on Wii Resort:

Mom and I did the canoeing together and we worked really well as a team. Dad was actually really good at wakeboarding. We also had fun creating the other Miis for Denver, Audrey, and Brielle. More family fun to be had at the Confer House.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cincinnati Experience

My good friend Jeff came to visit on Tuesday, he drove all the way from Connecticut for one day so I had to give him the full Cincinnati experience on Wednesday. We had a great day starting off at Jungle Jim's then on to Dewey's Pizza for lunch, the art museum, Eden Park, Mt. Adams, Skyline Chili at Fountain Square and then off to the Great American Ballpark to watch the Reds play the Nationals or rather against Stephen Strasburg. We had a super fun day. It was so good to have a good old friend for a visit.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Broken Record

Another week has gone by. I really loved my job this week, especially one patient in particular who is making great progress and makes my job really fun and rewarding. I have one patient who is very challenging to work due behavioral/cognitive problems and is also deaf. There's been an interpreter everyday this week except today so I used a dry erase board to communicate with him. Yesterday he tried getting up by himself and almost fell until I put him back on the bad. He also swore at me and raise his hand like he was going to hit me. These are the times where I have to pray for God's wisdom on how to approach this kid. But today was a better today, mostly because he was very lethargic due to some Valium he had gotten earlier.
The past few weeks I've been out of sorts in my walk with God. Ignoring what I know I should be doing in place of what I want to do sometimes. I see this pattern in myself. I don't know why I get caught up in other things besides God, I know his hand is always present in my life. But sometimes my convictions are so weak. I know what I should want to do, I should want to obey a God who loves unconditionally and provides for me in every way possible, but I turn away and go on my own. But I know he is always there, waiting for me to come back home.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the week. Today was an ideal Saturday for me. Woke up a little after 8 and started my day off right with my coffee on the porch while reading my bible. I typically read at night, and this week my consistency was very poor. But starting off the day reading God's word set the tone and my mindset for the day. Reading is such an integral and staple of our walk but I'm often very lazy and not committed to it. After my coffee and bible reading were completed, I cleaned out the fridge, washed some dishes and vacuumed. Then I paid some bills and painted my toenails. I got some food in there and then it was time for the pool. I spent a good portion of my afternoon reading and listening to music. I know for some, sitting by the pool may seem boring, but it is one of my favorite things to do, if you can call it "doing" something. The sun felt so good, not too hot today. Then I came back and ate again, got cleaned up and went to Target to pick up some essentials. I then got to play some tennis with my neighbor, I figured out that I am better with a left backhand than right backhand, go figure. And now I'm finishing up the day with the Harry Potter movie weekend on ABC Family, a good way to end the day.
After reflecting on how much I enjoyed my day and how relaxing it was, I then thought about how what I did today really didn't affect anyone, my day was completely about me and what I wanted to do. While I know it's ok to have these days from time to time, I want to produce good fruit more days than not. Matthew 6:33 served as a good reminder for me today on my day calendar. What can I do to produce good fruit for the kingdom of God?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Busy Week

I can't believe it's already Friday. This week flew by. I had a pretty uneventful week, census is very low right now, I have I think 11 patients on my team, there was a time where I had 19. We all ended up getting out early today. I had absolutely no plans for this evening until my best gal pal here Elina invited me over for dinner.
I feel like my life is kinda of monotonous most of the time but then I have to remind myself and remember all that God is doing and who He is. I'm reminded when I read some blogs of my friends I see how God's plan and providence reign. My lifelong friend Lindsey, who I've known since I was 5, is now a mother of identical twin girls! I can't believe we're at this point in our lives. And at times I feel like I'm so far behind everyone else, being single and nowhere close to marriage. But I also know that God's timing and planning are perfect and I am happy where I am.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Old Car, New Car

I was driving to the store after work on Friday to pick up some stuff to make for Saturday night get together at my friend's Kyle and Melissa's. I entered the ramp to get onto I-75 and my car couldn't go as fast and the engine was really loud, I don't know a lot about cars, but I knew something was wrong. So I prayed and God got me to my destination. I parked in a spot at WalMart and called my mom, sobbing about my poor little Gwen (my car). Mom was helping with a funeral dinner so I called my dad who provided me a number for a towing service. I could shift the gears but I could not reverse. I waited around for the tow truck. A little side bar history of my car, my first and only car-Gwen, a '99 Nissan Sentra I bought right before my senior year of high school started (2002), 3 years old, 28,000 miles, a great starter car and it lasted me until July 2, 2010. It was a little disheartening watching Gwen being loaded up onto the tow truck. We got to the Nissan dealership closest to my house. They took it out for a spin and the verdict: transmission is done. Dah!!! Worst case scenario realized. As I was processing what this meant, I asked how much would it be to replace it-$3800, most likely more than my car is worth at this point. So my friend's Daniel and Elina picked me up and drove me to the car rental dealership. Elina remembered that Daniel's brother Kyle and wife Melissa had a spare car. So Elina dials them up and then next thing you know, I have a car to borrow instead of renting one! Praise God. I asked mom and dad to come down Saturday and to help me start my search for a new car. And I bought one! A great little 2008 Civic that's just right for me. I was initially not excited at all about looking for a new car, Gwen was perfect for me! I didn't want to spend any money or have a car payment but once I knew I was getting a new, those feelings changed. However, it is a little bittersweet. I was thinking about when I first got Gwen and the freedom that meant for me and all of the trips to IN, CT, PA, OH, TN, Washington DC, and all the little stops in between. That car has a lot of memories. But then I think, "it's just a car" I can't take it with me, it's been great, I'll miss her, but it's all ok. I was thinking about my first entry when I wrote that even during our crappy days, Jesus makes all the difference...and this whole situation has been a shining example of how true that is and how God provided and answered prayers in ways I wasn't anticipating. I'm so thankful to know Him as my God. He knows us so much better than we think we know ourselves, and provides in unexpected ways and makes the impossible possible.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


So lots of people have blogs...and I have a few that I do keep up with. I thought I'd give it a shot. I don't really know what to write about. It seems that my life is pretty uneventful in the grand scheme of things but I have nothing to complain about. Ok, well some days aren't always great but I know Jesus, and He makes all the difference during my difficult and frustrating days at work. I love my job, at the end of the day I wouldn't want to do anything else. But this week has just been frustrating, patients aren't dressed and ready for therapy, people from other disciplines don't check the therapy schedule board and I miss treatment time with my patients due to a lack of consideration and respect, people refuse, etc. etc. It seems to come in waves like that, some weeks you get to see everyone and everyone's ready and you're not running around trying to find pants or socks for your patients. You get everyone for their full half hour or hour long treatment session and I will feel like I did my job well. This was not one of those weeks for me. Needless to say, I'm trying to learn to take it in stride and just accept the things that are out of my control and do the best I can with what I have. I'm thankful to have a job and be in a place that I love. Jesus makes all the difference.