One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Planning a Wedding

Dan and I are getting married in 6 months. We have been engaged for 5. Thus far I have found a dress, found a cake baker (my super talented cousin Jaime), a photographer, a florist and a preacher [that one was easy :)  We have found a venue for the ceremony and reception and an invitation template. We have compiled a nearly-complete guest list. My friend Elina has graciously offered to make cupcakes for the reception. I have found some cute ideas for ceremony and reception decorations. We have also booked our honeymoon and bought our plane tickets to Ft. Lauderdale for our cruise. Caribbean here we come!!

Amongst all the planning I am continually reminding myself that it is only ONE day. It's an incredibly special day, but ONE day. I can't justify spending a ton of money on one day. Throughout the ideas of the wedding I need to keep my focus on what is to come after Dan and I say "I do." The commitment, love, respect, forgiveness, grace, and submission that come along with those two words-with that ceremony of uniting ourselves together. It's so easy to get caught up in what everyone else will see-the ceremony decorations, the flowers, the reception tables....I won't be looking at those when I am standing up there pledging myself to honor and cherish Dan-he will hold my attention. While I want to create a special scene for the wedding, I need to spend more time on my heart in preparation for what is to come. A continual devotion with time with my Lord first before anything else. I cannot be a loving and faithful wife to Dan if I am an unfaithful daughter. I can't learn anything new unless I go back to the one who created me. I am in constant need of that reminder, those daily practices and spiritual disciplines.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cooking and Meal Planning

I like to cook, especially when I have people to cook for. Cooking for one is always a challenge and I have found that cooking for two is as well. After reading my best friend's blog (Lindsey) I was inspired by  her post about budgeting and saving  money. She has lots of inspiring and encouraging posts that I continually enjoy reading and look forward to reading. One aspect she wrote about was to plan out your meals for the week. I've heard this was a good idea to save money and be a little more health conscientious but had never sat down to do it. I have planned out last weeks and this weeks meals. Grocery shopping has been much more hassle free. I have made one trip each week. I know it's only been 2 weeks, but it's a start. I have started a weekly menu folder and printed off the week's meals with the recipes. I plan to collect plenty of recipes to then mix and match for the up and coming weeks. I tried a turkey meatloaf recipe that I would not recommend. But at least I tried it. I have found that I also enjoy the time in the kitchen preparing meals. It's also a nice time for Dan and I to share together, he's a pretty good helper :) So here's to preparing healthy, easy and yummy food!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long time no blog

It's been a very very long time since I've written anything. There's a lot going on and then again it seems like it's same old same old. I find I am constantly distracting myself when I am home from work. Watching Netflix, packing (a necessary thing at this point) or just doing meaningless things. This is one of my constant battles: taking time for silence and meditation. I know the benefits of doing it and yet I continue to keep myself busy rather than taking even just 10 minutes to sit quietly and/or pray or spend some time in scripture. Why is it so hard? Am I afraid I won't like what I hear? Is there nothing meaningful I think or feel? What keeps me being "busy"?

I am looking forward to moving into the house but I've had a twinge of sadness leaving behind my first grown-up, on-my-own apartment. There are lots of things I won't miss like: ridiculously high rent, far commute, loud neighbors, speed bumps, mail center. Moving always brings bouts of adjustment and a new mindset. The furnace at the house has been out a lot lately and no one seems to know what's wrong. But we have a house, shelter, space heater and a pellet stove to keep us warmer than we otherwise would be on the street. So in these early months to years of buying and owning a home, I realize that it is a time of building character and endurance.

Quiet time is good, it is necessary. It is refreshing.