One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This week has been a very busy week at work. Our census in the hospital had been very low for months on end. This past week my floor is completely full. A good problem to have considering how much debt Drake is in each month.  I'm thankful to be busy and seeing patients. It seems that most of my patients are severely deconditioned and require at least 2 people to help them transfer. A majority of them are in the "morbidly obese" category. Needless to say, my back is feeling it this week. It seems like when it rains, it pours. And we may have a flood soon. The point in all this is that some weeks I would feel totally overwhelmed with trying to get all my patients seen and making sure everyone is getting the amount of therapy I have prescribed for them. On weeks where I am not focused and do not give my problems to God, are the weeks I feel so stressed and just aggravated and slightly defeated. Today was a physically draining day. This week, a key difference has been a prayer I have been praying on my way to work: to commit my day and problems to God, to know and trust that He will take care of them. A simple prayer that has made a huge impact on my time at work. When things seem to get a little out of control, I remember who is really in control and I can continue with my day less distracted and in the infallible hands of my God.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday Bash

January 21st is Denver's birthday as well as my nephews' Hudson & Dean. We celebrated Denver's birthday Friday night at Audrey's parents' Jim and Gale. We had a great dinner of lasagna, salad and bread and with some yummy cake. It was good to have the whole family together. Happy Birthday guys!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Flying Pig

The Flying Pig is a Cincinnati tradition which includes a full marathon, half marathon, 10K, and 5K races. I have done a few 5Ks and have really enjoyed it. I've contemplated completing a 10K and even a half. I decided I wanted to run a half marathon before I turn 30. While running the other day I decided that I could in fact complete a half marathon (13.2 miles). The Flying Pig is May 1 so that gives me 14 weeks to train. I figure now is the best time, I'm running consistently and I have all the time to train for one. I'm pretty excited about this new commitment and challenge.

Thinking about running a race reminded me of the scripture in Hebrews 12 (v.1-3) that discusses our spiritual race:
 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.[a] Because of the joy[b] awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. 3Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people;[c] then you won’t become weary and give up. 4 After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin.  (NLT) 

We are called to persevere and get rid of our old ways and everything that keeps us from reaching our ultimate goal. To reach our goals we have to keep our focus on the single most important thing in our lives: Christ, who allows us to throw off the old ugly self and in turn allows us to be made righteous and bridges the gap between us and God. 
Run the good race!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Family Visits

Today I went to Frankfort, KY to visit my grandparents aka: Granny and Pappy. They're my mom's parents. They both have Alzheimer's. I remember going to visit them growing up but don't have real specific, vivid memories of them. The same goes for my dad's mom: Gram. However, as an adult I'm able to learn things about their lives and of their families, things I didn't care about much as a kid. But as an adult, I am so curious about my family and their families and history. I know more about my dad's side than  my mom's so I used today as an opportunity to gain some knowledge about Granny and Pappy's families. I learned Pappy's maternal grandmother passed away when his mother was 2 and his father remarried. I also learned my Pappy's dad worked for a gas company. My granny's paternal grandfather worked with lumber and had indoor plumbing in the early 1900s, quite a statement for that time period.

I live only 110 miles for 1 hour and 30 minutes from my grandparents and I have lived in Cincinnati for 11 months. This is the first time I have been down there to visit them since I've lived here. That's a horrible record. I don't know what took me so long. For a while I was hesitant because of the Alzheimer's and I didn't know how to interact with them. Which looking back is really irrational. I've worked with a few patients that have Alzheimer's/dementia pathologies. Why should it be any different with my grandparents? They are my family. I have a responsibility to them. Just the simple fact of taking them out to lunch and to Walmart made their day. They no longer drive and are home all day just the two of them with little visitors except for Barbara who gives them their medicine twice a day.

I started a bible study a few weeks ago and one of my goals was to visit a shut-in a few times before June. I believe my grandparents are an answered prayer. Although I feel that I should still visit them regardless but I'm committing to seeing them at least once a month. It took very little to make their day, and even if Granny calls me Brielle, it's ok because they were just thrilled to have a visitor :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Beginnings

With the new year many people make resolutions. I feel like most of them don't stick for a lot of the people who make them. A new year doesn't necessarily mean a new attitude or new dedication. With Christ though, each day is a new beginning. We get to start over each day and try our best to throw off our old nature and live in the new life that Christ provides.
I reflected a little over 2010 last night. There were new and exciting things that happened such as the addition to the Confer family with the births of my nephews Hudson and Dean. I don't know what we did without them before. And my first job with a move to a new place with new people and new friendships that have become a huge blessing to me. Of course, I made some bad decisions and I want to commit to 2011 to not making the same mistakes over and over.
Morning is my favorite time of the day, especially Saturday and Sunday when I can sit and actually sip and enjoy my coffee and not chug it down like I typically do during the week. I enjoy the quiet of the morning, no one else in my apartment complex is up yet. Morning means a new, fresh start. The day holds so many opportunities. Who will I live for today?

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh everyday. Lamentations 3:23