One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Beginnings

With the new year many people make resolutions. I feel like most of them don't stick for a lot of the people who make them. A new year doesn't necessarily mean a new attitude or new dedication. With Christ though, each day is a new beginning. We get to start over each day and try our best to throw off our old nature and live in the new life that Christ provides.
I reflected a little over 2010 last night. There were new and exciting things that happened such as the addition to the Confer family with the births of my nephews Hudson and Dean. I don't know what we did without them before. And my first job with a move to a new place with new people and new friendships that have become a huge blessing to me. Of course, I made some bad decisions and I want to commit to 2011 to not making the same mistakes over and over.
Morning is my favorite time of the day, especially Saturday and Sunday when I can sit and actually sip and enjoy my coffee and not chug it down like I typically do during the week. I enjoy the quiet of the morning, no one else in my apartment complex is up yet. Morning means a new, fresh start. The day holds so many opportunities. Who will I live for today?

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh everyday. Lamentations 3:23

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