One of my favorites places

One of my favorites places
Chicago's Millennium Park

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Money is something we all need to make it through this world because of the way our society operates. As a recent working adult I've had to learn how to budget my finances and understand some of the struggle behind doing what is necessary and what I want. We don't like talking about money. I don't know what I expected things to be like once I started working and all my school loans came in. I have an amazing opportunity to have a job that I love and that is pretty much exactly what I want for my career. There's one drawback: money; paying back my current employer for the bonus I received if I leave before next October. It's an awful situation, the stress is continually building and I need to decide: do what I love and be even more financially strapped or stay where I am, doing "OK" every day and maintaining my meager lifestyle. Part of me believes there is a reason for all of this; if I leave, I will be exercising my faith that God is going to continue to provide and my finances really aren't "my finances" They are His. Or if I end up staying I will view myself as making the "responsible decision" and toughing it out. I sometimes have this mentality that I need to do things that are hard or challenging just to prove I can do it, it's very selfish and conceited. I feel like I have to prove myself to myself. I don't know where this idea comes from. So here I am, contemplating back and forth. Then I realize that that is no way to decide. So I pray and ask God where he wants me and what He wants for me. I do not want my decision to be guided by money or "sucking it up" at my current job. But where does God want me to be?

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